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"These Latter Days"
Copyright (c) 2017 Doug Clare

Are you listening to the small still voice?
Are you ready for when saints rejoice?

Do you believe that you’re not alone
As the fear mounts on the dawn of Rome?

Our light will shine
Our light will shine

Like a city on a hill in the dead of night
Have pity on the ill drawn to the light

These are the days before eternity
These latter days before we’re set free

Do you know penned words of prophets old?
Do you heed the past? It’s all been foretold

Are you marching toward your eternal home
With the sacred shield on the dawn of Rome

Our light will shine
Our light will shine

Like a city on a hill in the dead of night
Have pity on the ill drawn to the light

These are the days before eternity
These latter days before we’re set free
These are the days before eternity
These latter days let our love be seen

These are the end of days.
These latter end-time days.
These are the end of days.
These latter end-time days.

These are the end of days.
These latter end-time days.
These are the end of days
These latter days lead to...the end.